Boogie x BMW
Everybody who knows Boogie in person, can see that I might have one or the other small town tics. That´s just what has had a great influence on me. And so beautiful cars and great car design are mine. I love driving cars, the german Autobahn and you cannot scare me with long distances on the road. Give me some music and I’m good to go. And most of the time I also have to jump in a car first, before I am able to paint a wall. Even with great public transportation in my area, I can’t imagine my life without a car – i just love to be independet.
Together with BMW Switzerland I was able to work on an exciting project. Graff on the new BMW X2 – this sounded like a great but risky plan. Because the question was: “What would happen, if I’d tag the whole ride, but I would not come off afterwards?”
To cut a long story short. This is the big makeover:
1. TAG IT!
Tags are the purest form of Graffiti and even if a lot of people hate them, using them in certain ways can create great aesthetics.
Everybody is able to paint a car. But integrating the car in your artworkt is quite tricky. I wanted to create kind of a chamaeleon effect painting a style and letting the car disappear in front of the wall.
3. USE IT!
You can use the car for more than just driving around. Never underestimate good lighting while painting in the dark.
Thanks again to Picstars and BMW Switzerland for this great cooperation.
Photos & Video: Roy Fritzsche
In cooperation with BMW SWITZERLAND.